Edge of Town

A bit dull and chilly today, ideal then for S to spend the day catching up with some college work and for me to catch up with The Open on iPlayer. But I found time to make an Aprikosendatschi - still no damsons in the shops so I substituted - which turned out pretty darned well and won't last for long.

We nipped out for a walk early evening just to stretch our legs and get some fresh air. This is the edge of town, heading West. A farmer flogs off a small part of a field, a new road gets built and that's the new town border. Cue a few more expensive houses on one side of the road and a richer farmer. But he keeps the corn growing on the other side, for now.

Had a FaceTime session with D&K later, nice to catch up and also to show off the flat a wee bit. They even got to hear the church bells. Bonus.

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