Lakeland Dipper 51

Holme Fell
I'm not sure who was in the more uncomfortable position taking this shot .. them or me.
Second attempt to find this spot. I got lost in head high bracken last time. This time I approached from Hodge Close and found it much more easily. Being a bit uncertain in new waters I tentatively swam back and forth along the same line creating a line of wake to the bank sides and probably annoying a lot of damselflies ... the area was thick with them. I sent electric blue flashes off ahead and behind me with each stroke. It made me think of Richard Long again ... a line made swimming.

I don't know what came over me when I got home. In a rare, unheard of for me, moment of culinary domesticity I made lavender and bilberry (from my walk yesterday) shortbread biscuits (blurry extra). 

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