
By Lenore

New playground

I took the boys to explore our new local playground this morning.  The youngest slept through it, the eldest was a little more enamoured.  There was plenty going on, the local ramblers were off out, the Sunday league teams were warming up (with one team in a lovely Pink get-up), and a selection of rather hung-over family clearing up at the adjoining village hall after the wedding reception for 'Molly and Oli' - as the present gift-tag by my car informed me.  Aside from all this, we had a great time exploring the play ground, which happened to have the most amazing views.  On the way back, we stopped at a farm to buy eggs - they were by a field of sheep which pleased the eldest.  

Pretty quiet rest of day.  The boys are boycotting afternoon naps, which is particularly trying, especially by the end of the day, my solace is that everything is a phase and this too will pass. 

Been feeling a bit smug after a 6 mile run this morning, although have off-set this by finishing off the packet of Jaffa cakes whilst watching Poldark.....

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