Briefly upright

I made a wrong call this morning. With my dodgy left ear I decided I'd do my usual commute mix of car and bike, provided my ear didn't hurt and I wasn't wobbly.

All was fine under the fleecey head band but I should have paid heed to my overall lack of energy and the unusual effort required bike the upside of the over bridge. Still, it wasn't too bad but that was as good as it got.

I knew my morning wasn't going well when my colleague I was talking to said "gee mate, the lights are on dim". We passed each other after lunch and she said "you've gone from dimmed lights to screensaver".

By then my plan to slowly creak along on my bike changed to locking my bike inside at work, and my boss driving me to my car.

Bed has been my friend this afternoon. I got up long enough to pull the curtains and feed the STARVING pope. The sunset looked vaguely nice.

Then the lights went out again and the screensaver is on.

Today's gratitude: My boss, what a star.

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