Spirited Away

A lovely day in Kyoto with Jessica. We arrived in Kyoto at 10:00 and watched the Gion Matsuri. We then walked through Maruyama Park. We visited Kodai-Ji, then looked around the gorgeous shops on the way up to Kiyomizu-dera. Jessica is going to have no problem finding her true love; she walked between the two love stones with her eyes closed at normal walking speed. All that gymnastics has clearly given her fantastic body awareness, 

Big in Kyoto city we ate lunch at Tully's Coffee, then took the Keihan train to Fushimi Inari. It is not for no reason that this is regarded by many as Japan's best tourist attraction. Absolutely stunning. As you can see from this photo, it is like walking through a Miyazaki movie. 

Jessica and I went to the top of Mount Inari, despite the heat and humidity. She is a real trooper.

Now it's time to enjoy my favourite Koenigs Kroeneg Antenor cake. We deserve it after all of today's hard walking.

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