The Luminaries

I apologise for my lack of commenting recently but life has been rather frenetic of late and tomorrow I am heading East to Edinburgh to do a talk at an Astrology open day. My topic is the Moon.

In an older, more poetic Astrology, the Sun and the Moon were known as the Luminaries.

A Luminary is defined as someone or something which sets an example of the best one can be, who "enlightens" us in some way. Therefore these two principle factors show us facets of ourself that are intrinsic to our development and being the best we can be.

The Sun is our ego or "I". it represents the need to be ourselves and forge our own identity but humans are brought into this world helpless and in need of a protector. To reach the full potential of the Sun we have to be born, to be mothered, nurtured and cared for. If as a child we experience the early environment, mother or mother figure as a safe and nurturing place then we in turn learn how to nurture both ourselves and those around us. The child grows to be a secure, happy, well rounded individual.

As I have the Sun in fly by the seat of your pants adaptable Sagittarius I have left writing my talk till this week even though I have known about the day for some weeks. This tends to put my worries about having to nothing about sensitive and creative Moon in Cancer in a bit of a nuerotic breakdown tizzy....

I'm sure it will all work out fine and think playing this on a loop on my ipod might help......

Back on Sunday HAGW ;-)

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