Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A leader's retreat

Went to Chartwell, Churchill's house and now a National Trust property. Haven't been for several years but it is still fascinating, particularly all the photographs and memorabilia. Not sure why the French gave him a glass cock (as in bird in case you are wondering),  and the cigar cabinet from Cuba was impressive (he used it to store his oil paints). I was fascinated to hear that he was buddies with the Mosleys until Oswald turned politically right and started wearing goth clothing.

The breakfast room is stunning and just as I remembered it. A beautiful room, high up, with almost a complete wall of glass arch windows; I reckon you could sit there for days if you were constantly supplied with food, drink and good companions.

Churchill was well known as a bit of a bipolar case and a high functioning alcoholic. Chartwell and Clemmie were his main props, but his painting played a big part too in keeping him grounded. The gardens and ponds are lovely and his studio, a short walk from the main house, was definitely a sanctuary for a man of extremes.

It rained which was a bugger. But a good time was had nonetheless. My only gripe is that it is very badly signposted inside, the facilities for people with disabilities are poor, the toilets bizarre and the menu hopeless for vegans. Why go to all the trouble of producing an attractive looking risotto of veg and grains only to spoil it with a bit of cheese? Would be so easy to make it dairy free. I ended up with a jacket potato and beans, served rather bizarrely with a small side salad. The National Trust needs to look to the future if it is to carry on safeguarding our past.

TSM's birthday tomorrow. Today I had to get up at 6.30 am and spend two and a half hours working before being able to enjoy my day off; not tomorrow. I'm free!

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