Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

The power of words.

The power of words can evoke absolute joy, lead you into action or spur you on. There are words of encouragement, of sympathy, of love and admiration. The right words can give you strength or spark something in your imagination. They will inspire you and comfort you. Ultimately, words will always mean more than the many wonderful gifts I've received today - the last day of term for the children. I never really understand why gifts are given, they're not in other professions! I'm very lucky and grateful :-)

The gifts are lovely, thoughtful, generous and kind - but words written in the cards such as "you make learning fun", "I'm delighted with her progress" and "your manner has really encouraged her to grow in confidence" highlight some of the reasons I became a teacher; to make every child see learning as something fun and to help them achieve their full potential.

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