Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


(to be said a'la Orson Welles stylee)

Dentist again today and I have my new tooth! Hooray! Que cheesy grinning :D Am delighted.

Plus, even better, no one mentioned the fact that I had very obviously in a moment of madness tried to superglue the previous one back together (don't ask, I was distraught and not thinking clearly) before realising the full extent of my folly. Although...only after I'd already worn it for a day, become increasingly paniced that it would poison me and been unable to get it out again... Eventually managed to prise it out (bleeding fingers, not good) rebroke it, tried to eliminate all traces of superglue (not possible) and took myself back to the dentist hoping not to have to explain my embarassingly and totally mental thought processes.
Got away with it!

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