One, two, three...

.... oh, lots of swans.

This morning I met up with 4 ex colleagues and only one of them still works at the school. It was a lovely catch up over a late breakfast. After we stood outside watching these swans on the Thames being fed and then went our separate ways. By now the sun had come out stayed for the rest of the day.

I drove to New Malden to pick up my new glasses (and prescription sunglasses too). My old glasses were quite rectangular and the new ones are rounder. I feel like 'Where's Wally?' :-D))))

Mr C has an inflamed heel. That is incredibly painful and very sensitive. He is having trouble walking and sleeping. He is regularly putting his foot in an ice bucket. Fingers crossed it gets better soon before we go away :-/

No pub quiz for us but Sim went along with two friends.

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