love is a verb

By loveeveryminute

Wonderful Day

This past weekend was spent with precious friends and family. My mother always said that you are blessed if you have one true friend. I agree with her. TRUE friends are rare. I feel extremely blessed bc I do have more than one that I consider to be true sisters.
Today, my best friend from High School came to brunch at the house. It's her birthday. She called me over a month ago and said she wanted us to spend her birthday together. What a blessing! This woman knows EVERYTHING ( I do mean EVERYTHING) about me yet she still
Likes me! :-)) Believe me, that's quite the testament to her Grace, Patience, and sense
Of humor!! I didn't Blip a picture of us bc she hasn't changed a DAY since HS! I love her but that's a little irritating! She could match my wrinkles!! :-))
Be blessed!
(These flowers are from the garden)

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