Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Carolina Rediviva

This is the entrance to the main university library. I went there today to pick up the book I'd loaned for my other Latin course. I hade to do the loaning part over the counter because the book comes from another university library and something really intriguing happened! The library card I have, and have had for several years wasn't the card they had in their computer. The librarian was really puzzled and hade no idea how this had happened. Thankfully I had identification with me so she just changed the library card number and it got resolved, but she was so puzzled and hadn't experienced this before and when I left she was telling her colleges about it. I was really relieved that my card was usable still, because I haven't used it for a while.
My pedometer reached over 10 000 steps today and the little figure in it was very happy, raising it's arms in an hurray! He's very cute. Most of the steps I took were during my morning walk. Yes, I'm still doing that.
The doorbell rang at midday and for once I was really rude... I have respect for other people's religion, but when they come to my door repeatedly even after I ask them not to come again because I'm not interested... I don't know how many leaflets they have left in my mailbox when I'm not home or not answer the door... when I opened the door I immediately saw their leaflet and just was so irritated so I just said: Oh it's you again, can you please not come again! And then I just closed the door again and didn't care that I was rude. I have no idea if they are going to honour that, as they haven't done that before. I guess time will tell. I respect them, why can't they do the same to me? Really annoying!

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