Fresh Pickings.

We took the monsters fruit picking this morning.
We started with the raspberries and while SWMBO and the monsters went for the strawberries I went and got some black currants - that was hard on the back and legs!. It was The cygnet who wanted them, but it was too much like hard work for him.

Squirrel was really taken with the horse on the way back to the shop but the woman sitting reading her book in charge of it dragged it away ...... probably realised the door horse was in danger.
After paying for the picked fruit (and some huge brambles and some cherries - again on The Cygnet's insistence) we had a drink and a bit of cake before the monsters went to play on the tractor in the play area. I was surprised that they totally ignored the planes coming in to land (look closely).

Of course, it was fruit salad at lunchtime ......... when The Cygnet announced that he didn't like the black currants. Since he loves black currant squash I will have to come up with a way to juice them for him.

When waking PD I found the hoverflies watching the beetles having a piggyback race. At least, I think that is what they were doing!

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