
By Tinks

Aliens Love Underpants

This is Archie's favourite book of the moment! Let's face it, it had me by the title so it had to be a winner ... my favourte lines are

As they go zinging through the air,
It really is pants-tastic.
What fun the aliens can have,
With pingy pants elastic!

The blip is of the double pages that appear before and after the story, where me and Archie play the 'which pants' game .... I ask him where a certain somebodies pants are and he points to a suitable pair!

Apparantly ....

Daddy's are the stripey boxers
Jade's are the pink pair bottom right (I was quite hoping for those myself!)
Archie's are the ones with the Alien on them
Grandad's are the leopard print ones (mmmm!!)
Grandpa's are the one's with the stars on them!
Morna's are the blue spotted blummers
Granny's are the pink striped blummers
and Mum's are the pink flowery ones!

Which one's are yours???

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