All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


As Granny and Grandpa are away on their holidays, I had taken the day off work to look after Ethan and Eden today. It's the first time I'll have had both kids by myself for a whole day and I was really looking forward to it.

We went over to Linlithgow in the morning for a playdate with my friend Jane and her 2 young sons. Eden was very outnumbered with the 3 boys but didn't seem to mind. They all played out in the garden for a while before a delicious lunch of homemade soup and cupcakes - Jane always puts me to shame with her food!

Both kids only had a short nap in the car on the way home so were knackered this evening and went to bed bang on time without a fuss.

Oh, I also picked up Cleo from the vets this afternoon. The vet thinks it's some sort of infection she has although still not 100% certain what it is. He also said that aside, she's doing incredibly well for her age, as he would have expected to see some degree of liver or kidney damage in a 16 year old cat and her blood results didn't show any at all. However, she's still very wheezy and snuffly so not out the woods yet. Wonderful to have her home though although not so wonderful to get the bill for the past 2 days. I did grimace when they told me how much it was but hopefully worth it if she makes a full recovery.

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