2001 Blip

Yesterday I published my 2000th Blip. I was a bit surprised about it and of course made me think about this journey. It started with a picture of my new passport, which will soon be out of date. The second entry was of an empty toilet role holder, on the 17th March 2008, with a heartfelt condemnation of Monday. My first sunset was the 3rd April, now these are one of my more repetitive themes, whilst on the 13th April I published a picture titled Flowers in the Rain. Some things haven't changed , see above. As well as these subjects there are lots of pictures of holidays, dogs and festivals and many other strange items. Its quite a thing to look at the last ten years of your life in pictures, defiantly one of the benefits of Blip
Thanks to Blip for providing this platform and to all those who look at my efforts and more thanks to those who take the time to comment.
Now role on 2027 and 4000 blips.

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