Through Glass Eyes

By JailBird

Sat Down and the Words Just Flowed from my Fingers

Am I not permitted a single moment without sadness?
I live in torture thinking of the moments I have had with you, good and bad.
With each day and every look, I get sicker and sicker.
The agonizing pounding of my heart, the ache in my stomach, and the constant torment in my brain seem to never subside, nor ease.
It is as if time is thrusting my wounds open rather then healing them.
There is a burning in me a pulsing flame I cannot control.
I feel on fire and there?s guilt, I cannot get rid of either.
Does this make you happy to know?
I feel a prisoner, everything I wanted seems meaningless.
The necessities of life are now just empty shells my feet have broken by trending over.
Cuts and scraps are all that remain and shall be left unhealed for I feel nothing anymore and will continue to walk.
?What would have happened??I guess we will never know?Because no matter how much i would like don't....

was inspired by Tristan and Isolde...

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