
Gladioli always make me think of Morrissey! My friend London Boy is the spitting image of him and when we lived together in Southport and went clubbing he was always being approached by people thinking it was him! One of my favourite songs of his is Girlfriend In a Coma! hardly an uplifting song but then Morrissey isn't your happy clappy type of person! 
It's strange how a simple thing can set off a whole train of memories - my years as a student do stand out as a very memorable period of my life - it's like watching a still film, episodes flowing one into another. Past loves in particular stand out - I wonder where they are now, what they are doing  and what they look like. London Boy still looks like Morrissey - that much I do know! 
What did I do today apart from the allotment? Hmm, you might well ask but I'm afraid I don't remember! France dweller did call in for a coffee, which led to gin and tonic! They say gin can make you maudlin - maybe thats why I'm slipping down memory lane! 

I'm so behind with my blips and  your journals, and I'm afraid I may not be catching up any time soon! Annual trip to Port Eliot Sunday with Vegan Jo! See you on the other side of the weekend! 

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