funny sort of day...

I loved how the sky looked this evening as we set the table out on the back porch for dinner!

It's been a strange day....felt pretty tired too often, and so it was a bit irritating to have to put boards of damp pots out onto a table....3 order to help them to dry.   i need to put a bisque kiln on tomorrow and the stuff i made over the past couple of days need to be drier....i moved the boards...quit heavy.....outside and about an hour later small spots of rain started falling....brought them back indoors.   repeated this 3 times in least by the 3rd try the sun was out and the pots are now dry!!!

Had a few sales and made some trays...all done in  a bit of slow mo manner!!!

Dinner of curried beans with rice and a salad, with our friend Mary Jane, then i took myself off for a small nap!  Now it's 10.30 pm and i'm wide awake....thank god for netflixs!!!

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