Inspired By Life...

By lauratelfer

Star trails on Steroids

so today i went to the doctors about my chest infection... normally when i get them i dont bother with the doctors and just let my body deal with it but i became really shaky and breathless so i got an emergency appointment and on the way there people avoided me on the bus as if i had the plague, which was good really, loads of legroom and no stinky people sitting beside me. Then i got to the doctors and was seen by a new doctor who was straight out of uni, the poor guy looked as if he was about to have a heart attack as i tried to explain what was wrong with me between trying to catch my breath/shiver and cough, he kept repeating " its ok, ok ok, its ok" felt quite sorry for him.
After he calmed down i got referred over to A&E where i spent 6 hours in a room, and was seen to for under 10 minutes then sent home with antibiotics and 28 steroids...
The problem with steroids is that they make you feel WIDE AWAKE, which is why i am posting this at 2:05am...
On the plus side the A&E was really quite amusing, one drunk guy came in with a head injury caused by a photographer hitting him over the head with his camera, poor guy... i then heard him explain to the doctor that he had tried to take the camera off the photographer so he could take photos, not so poor guy, never take a photographers camera off them!
I hope the camera was ok :/

Also apologies for the rubbishness of this photo, i apparently dunted it at some point :/ and didnt manage to capture any meteors (RAGE)

I hope you are all well :) x

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