Beechyboys Adventures

By beechyboy

Spin on it!

After lots of "we shoulds" and "one days" I finally got to meet up with two of the guys I used to work with in the call centre, C and D, to go and do some night shots at the Folly. D has done some before and has plenty of kit for light painting, C is an experienced photographer but never done night shots before, and for me it was all learning.
We hoped to get some star trail shots but the clouds kept coming by thick and fast so it was no good. Most of my pics came out noisy too but still bearable.
D, seen in the picture, bought along something I've wanted to shoot since I first saw it online, wire wool! Got a few good shots of us spinning but I think this is the best of my shots, really happy with it.
Great night out and really wanna do it again sometime.

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