Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

A gap in the weather


On what ended up being a very frustrating day, I was unable to access the internet on my PC, so unable to download the handful of shots that were taken during a break in the weather early in the morning. It rained for most of the rest of the day, so I was very happy to have managed to grab a few minutes for my blip before then, even if it ended up being a backblip.  There was obviously an issue with the broadband for most of the day, as I was forced to go into the store to do my work, but it actually made quite a nice change from working from home.
Husband spent half the night complaining that it wasn't working, but couldn't be bothered to call the ISP to find out why. I wasn't too bothered, apart from my blipping, so decided to wait until the morning to call. By the time the morning came, it had fixed itself!!

Isn't it amazing how we come to depend so much on technology.....!?

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