Be my Buddy

First hack out on this boy today with April. He was a star. He didn't like a big tractor and trailer that roared up behind us and I don't think he's used to gates but other than that we had a great time. He was lovely and forward going without being silly. Think we're going to have a lot of fun together. Gave Lime lots of fuss in the field but I do feel guilty. I will walk him out again tomorrow.

I put Buddy in the main field with the other horses when I got back as there is no real need to keep him separate. They ignored him completely. I wanted to see how they reacted to him before I left so I encouraged Winston to come down. They had a charge about and tried to kick each other but then went back to ignoring each other again. Buddy looked amazing at flat out gallop with his tail in the air. Lime started joining in, in his pen so I had to go over and stand with him with treats. Last thing I need is him running about!!

Spent the afternoon at home tidying in the garden. Was going to head back down to check all is well after kids bed time but just had a text from Sue to say all is calm so no need.

Toby spent the afternoon making a guitar from cardboard. He really wants to be in a band at the moment and has already worked out how much he's going to pay each band member and how much the audience will need to pay. Not being able to play an instrument yet is a minor detail!

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