Belinda Lee

By bellee

On our walk

I know I say it every time, but walking with Jax is so great when we walk along the creek, and then going a little further today we saw this little gem of a spot. It looked so beautiful with the sun shining off the water, so we stood there for a minute and had a little rest.

Just before that Jax got to say hello to a couple of other dogs, he would like to be more social than he is (blame that on his owner) and he was a really good boy. He spoke to two different dogs, a little old fluffy thing (it was cute, you could tell it was quite old though) and a baby girl German Shephard, she was very cute, and she was checking out Jax, but German Shephard/Staffies could be a little interesting haha.

Then on the way back (we went even further today, 3kms) we stopped at the spot that I have got Jax having a drink from, and he nearly fell in the creek. Was so cute and a little funny (don't tell him that I was laughing). But he ended up with all four legs wet, he wasn't worried about nearly falling in though, think he would have been happy to go for a paddle!

On the way back, we saw the little fluffy old dog again, and Jax wrenched my back wanting to say hello again. This is what happens when your dog weighs about half of you. Anyway was a great walk.

Then came home and mum rang, so we went for a drive to a couple of Cemetaries that she wanted to check out. No....she isn't odd, she has got back into the family tree which is interesting.

Oh and the people that were picking on me at work yesterday can't say anything, their team lost last night. So just hope my Crows get up tonight.

Lastly (this has been a really long post for me, it's been a while) I have updated my blipfolio if you want to check it out. Have taken out all the old photos and just put a couple of recent ones up that sometimes you just wish you could blip more than one photo a day.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend :)

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