Gold State Coach

This coach was used on the 2nd June 1953 for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, it is truly magnificent. It stands in a room at the Mews.
One question was how do they get it out of that room? there are double doors at each end but nowhere near high enough! Well apparently it takes two days and there is a disguised door in the walls half way down one side and they have to remove a big window above.

Enjoyed the Mews, afterwards we went to Buckingham Palace and through the state rooms.
An amazing exhibition of the queens Diamonds very special as they have not been displayed before and probably not again it was for the Diamond Jubilee, hard to describe how wonderful they were and how big! I would say very heavy too. Dazzling.

The War Horse was a great show, the horses were big wooden frames and moved by three people and so realistic in their movements, the show was just as moving as the film. Brilliant.

Off to Ireland tomorrow so not sure how I will get on blipping so may see you all in a week!.

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