
By RadioGirl

Saturday 29th July 2017

Back to Tiptree in the morning, thankfully no jams on the M25 or A12. At Mum's request I lugged my old typewriter from the flat, as she wanted to try some writing and didn't think she'd understand how to use my laptop. As expected, she didn't have the strength in her arms and shoulders to pound the keys. So it will go back under the bed in the spare room next time I go to the flat. The whole place is in such a state now, untidy, very dusty and unloved. Even if I spent enough time there to tackle it, the amount of work that needs doing just overwhelms me. I spent the rest of the day in very low spirits, not helped by the torrential rain outside which meant neither Mum nor I felt like going out anywhere and getting soaked. Not a good day, hopefully I'll cheer up soon.

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