My precious little friend

We watched this precious scamp as we sipped our coffee this morning. She has a two new holes near the doorstep out front and is very entertaining to watch. That's an ant on her whisker by the way, I think it was looking for bits of peanut on her fur and whiskers. She had a couple on her chest as well, but seemed unconcerned. It's all about stocking the underground pantry.

I'm hoping to catch up with comments and journals this week, vacation is over and I need to turn over a new leaf on my blip attention as well. I get wrapped up in my own photos too often and I need and miss the joy of photographs from others as well during this time of political upheaval.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and gorgeous, we had our coffee in the sun, wishing for the salt air we missed in the equation, and the view.

All hands disgusted. 

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