Benidorm instead!

Today is Kendal Calling day.

It seemed a good idea last August to buy a ticket to Kendal Calling. Having not done a festival I thought I could tick it off a list. Not a bucket list just a list.

It rained on and off most of the day. My teenage son helped me pack, he was very good. My teenage daughter packed her own stuff, each time I questioned 'have you got' a reply of 'YES' and sarcasm came firing back. Imagine asking if she had her tickets? What a silly question, because I know the answer before I ask, "YES" with a tone of sarcasm! Only when she went for her lift to the festival she had no tickets. Teenage son and I delivered so she could be on her way.

Then it was our turn, my friend and I. Bags packed, with tickets, goodbye son and off we went. A little later than planned but all good. Arrived at the festival.about 4pm.

With a short walk up a hill and a stroll through the mud we found our place to pitch our tent.

We went under a tree. Perfect spot. We managed to get the tent up between showers and only needed 1 trip back to the car for our essentials gin, vodka and mixers! And our scooby snacks for when we got the munchies.

We ventured out into the main arena for a little explore and beverage before turning in for the night. When we arrived back at our tent through the mud we had a little discussion about how people really enjoy this and plan to come next year!

It really was muddy, very muddy. Isn't this fun walking all this way in the mud, slipping and sliding, some fell over, thank goodness not us, we would have come home! Anyway, at what point is the mud so fantastic it is worth another go next year? We've decided next year we're going to Benidorm instead!

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