In An English Country Garden

Happy morning on the allotment - pulling up the Foxgloves, Feverfew and Poppies that had died and were an unsightly brown and  picking blackberries for the hens - oh they do like blackberries! One or two may have found their way into my mouth as I am rather partial to their honeyed sweetness too! Said Blackberry bushes are as usual growing at an alarming rate - so I carefully cut them back and laid the long shoots around the edge of the electric fence as another fox defense! I also picked the first of my peas - oh they are so sweet too! I also  discovered 2 massive round courgettes! They are such sneaky growers - for days they are just little things then overnight they seem to go from small to huge! Fellow allotment arrived at this point and after moving my car out of the track and onto the allotment so he could get in, I tried to give him some of my courgettes - along with the round ones I had pale green and yellow ones! He of course has his own bumper sized ones to consume! So we discussed the many ways to cook them! Having inspected his plot and then him inspecting mine and a few more peas consumed by the pair of us I left him to it!  Home for a brief tidy up and then Nellie of The Woods called in and there went the rest of the afternoon! A very wet afternoon! But at least I managed to offload one of the round courgettes and some peas! 
When I went up to put the girls to bed I found a tree hanging low over the path - the weight of the water on it's leaves had caused it to break! So I spent a while cutting the branches off and then trying to wrench the  trunk off where it had split - this proved unsuccessful so in the end I bent it back and behind another young tree! By the time I got to the hens they were all in the coop so I before they could come running out I closed the door, cleaned the bowls and made my very wet way home!

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