From the train

A few shots taken from the train in case I forget in arrival, this was the most interesting. A building somewhere in the middle of the Czech Republic.

A pleasant 3 hour train ride to Brunö although some confusion near the end due a diversion and a run to catch the bus for the last few kilometres to the main rail station.

People are very kind, a woman overheard me asking the conductor a question and tried to help as we fought our way off the bus. There followed a great conversation about how we could...... all to save us the taxi fare, 'very expensive'. I would have loved to have experimented by taking a tram and hope we understood but it was too hot.

I hope they didn't see us leave in the taxi. . We have arrived at the next home for 8 nights and met by the very smart young woman who owns it. She was a star.

John realised his man bag was missing and must have left it in the taxi. She went to great lengths to find the guy. Anyway we came back despondent and even looked up what to do when a passport is lost and fell asleep in the heat. I checked my iPad at 6.00 pm and she had found the taxi chap, he will drop the bag off at reception tomorrow. Very impressed.

After a doze and chat on the phone to a friend who lives in Brunö we set off to look for the Mall, as you do (don't), in search of an upright fan, John has put it together and relief.

going back to people; when in the Mall John spotted a Valentino Rossi poster and more, as we looked around a Dutch couple commented in English and a great chat followed. We are all here for the moto GP race at the weekend and on Wednesday some of the riders will come along to the Mall to chat and sign autographs.

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