A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Time for nonsense

We still haven't gone anywhere or done anything that might even vaguely be described as exciting but regardless the holidays continue to be rather lovely. I thought about it a lot today and realised that this is the first holiday period in a very long time that we haven't been in crisis mode at some level. Having turned a real corner and being in full on preparation for new beginnings makes a holiday all by itself.

Having said that we are heading to Spain on Thursday and tomorrow is the only day available for packing so I must remember to do some of that.

I'm not quite sure what today has involved but I seem to have been out and about a lot, including taking this one to get new trainers. After we had done her nails. I bought her these on a whim and was actually a little surprised how keen she was on them as she is generally not into make-up and jewellery and that sort of paraphernalia. Apparently these pass as they are not too bright or sparkly....

Oh and I went to a Zumba class at my local gym this evening. Suitably loud and crazy with the perfect levels of complexity for staving off Alzheimer's for a few more years. It is the 2nd time I have been and each time there has been just one man. I wonder if they have a rota system.

Lesley x

Ps - for my future memory when the Zumba has worn off - we had a splendid lunchtime reliving the kids' toddlerdom with No by They Might Be Giants. Anna is even adding it to her playlist for the trip.

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