Camping is for the birds

We are on holidays this week and it started out busy. We helped Becca move into a new apartment on Saturday It is really nice, in a brand new building. Beautiful new stainless steel appliances including a microwave and dishwasher. She even had a washer and dryer in her apartment!
We have taken a lot of walks around the pond the last two days and also visited the conservation club a couple of times ,so Hallie can play in the creek. She doesn't like swimming but she loves wading:)
The weather the last few days has been awesome and so a lot of time has been spent floating and reading in the pool. Until it gets too hot and I have to jump in:)
Took a lot of shots today and they are all on flickr but I went with this one because I just think it is so cute. It was on a fence post and there were a lot of different ones. This is my favourite but I also took some of a covered bridge one. It is really cute too.

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