Took Mrs P to Simpson's garden centre this afternoon - really pleasant and bright though a slight nip in the air. As I'm not a huge fan of the place I wandered a few hundred yards down the road to the bridge over the A9 to check up on the dreaming spires of UHI - University of the Highlands and Islands. It's a new site for Inverness College and although they've been at work for quite a while it's all still at breaking the ground stage - not a building, let alone a spire, in sight. Looks like it's quite a project as a large area has been fenced off. Went a little way down a side road to the site entrance but couldn't get beyond the site offices. Coming out I was bemused by this sign - because the bottom line was not plain text my brain stopped at "remember to stay". Only when I came to look at the photo did I take in that it meant stay 100% safe. Possibly even then it's asking for the impossible but the site managers are right to warn leavers of the dangers of the outside world.
Back at Simpson's wandered in to find Mrs P - past the oak desks and coffee tables, past the jams, past the books and accessories for birds. I came across her before meeting up with a single plant.
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