
By spishy

At last I've blipped a butterfly

I've been wanting to do a butterfly blip for months, and lo and behold, today was the day.

My back is not quite so painful so I trotted up to the aerodrome with our friend, Scott, who stopped over last night. We made friends with a teeny, tiny, very energetic Chihuahua called Darcy, who took quite a shine to us - very sweet.

Beautiful sunny day but a chill in the air. Watched the glider pilots looping the loop. Thrilling to watch but they will do it right over our house and I fear one day they will lose control and end up crashing straight through the roof.

I had an email from National Lottery this morning, alerting me that there was "good news about the ticket you bought".
In the few, excited, seconds that it took me to log into my account I envisaged giving up work, a castle by the sea, an Aston Martin parked on the drive, champagne fountains, my own library.....
It was at this point all my dreams were shattered when I read the words
"congratulations, you have won £5". Oh well... better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

I've taken hundreds of shots today and choosing which to blip with has been murder. I think I'll put some of the others in my blipfolio.

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