A lesson in customer service

Oh my goodness, I'm so glad I can work a bit more flexibly over the summer. What with packing up a house, selling stuff, packing for Canada and sorting out new house stuff, I'm having to take bit of time out of the office. Oh, and seeing friends who are on summer holiday too.

Managed an early start today which meant I'd got through a fair amount of stuff before seeing the musketeers for brunch. Caty sleepily snuggling into SS while she ate her breakfast was pretty cute and there was very little sick involved today.

From there to show somebody my bed which is for sale and from there to meet a garden landscaper at the new house.

Thankfully, on first arriving I met another landscape gardener who's daughter has recently moved into one of the houses and who I've been sharing a game of voicemail tennis with. He was super lovely.

Then came the other gardener who was absolutely hideous. Arrived late, really bad customer service, forgot to bring his notepad and tape measure to the garden, stomped mud into the sales office and was generally rude. Thankfully, I was able to have a giggle about it with the lovely sales rep when he'd gone.

Happened to be there when the carpet guy came to measure up for my flooring so got another look around. They've accidentally put in extra flooring in the downstairs WC and pantry so I've saved myself some money there. Winner.

Starting to get really excited now but also trying desperately hard not to get too excited before my buyer signs on the dotted line. There's always that chance that they could still pull out. This house buying business is a right old rollercoaster.

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