More of The Williston Culture.......

There are two other sources of economy and life here in Williston.....
      The first is cattle....   there is a huge agriculture industry in Williston of raising beef cattle.  Acres and acres of pasture are devoted to roaming cattle, breeding the cows in the spring, raising the winter calves that are on the ground,  in the fall calves are grown enough to be separated from their mother's....   some go to other farmers that raise calves to full maturity and the beef market, some calves are sold to veal growers,  some are kept to be raised for replacements for aging heifers, cows that haven't calved in 2 years and culled, and some raised for the local beef markets and farm consumption.  In late December, January and Feb, the new calves are born.
    The 2nd industry is growing peanuts......the crops grown this year will go to market for peanut butter, bags of peanuts, peanut oil, etc.  Some of the peanuts will be held back, to become seed, for next years crops.  B&G Seed Company, of Williston,  ships peanut seed all over the United States where peanuts are grown, being the largest producer of seed in this country.

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