Do the Jungle Rhythm

Poppy has been going to dance lessons for a few weeks and this morning had her first performance in the middle of Saffron Walden.. It was quite cold and a little damp but she was brilliant (as were the rest of her troop).

Then general busyness, lots of gardening (chopping things up with a chainsaw) we now have a huge bonfire waiting to go, I have to say I am quite tempted to set fire to it tonight..... We'll have to see what I blip tomorrow.

Last night was excellent, Pete and Bill popped over with guitars and copious amounts of wine and beer. We thrashed our way through a load of songs. Pete adds a lot to Bill and my very special musical partnership ;) We played for about four hours, my finger ends are still rather tender !

Right, finally after 2 weeks... CURRY.

Not so Tiny dancer

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