Afalau cwymp, efallai

Stopiais i ar fy ffordd i'r gwaith am funud i dynnu ffotograffau o'r adlewyrchiadau yn yr afon, ond rydw i'n sylwi afalau rhwng y coed a dorrwyd ar lan yr afon.  Dydw i ddim yn siŵr o ble maen nhw'n dod, doeddwn i ddim yn sylwi unrhyw goed afalau ger yr afon.  Mae'n ddirgelwch.

I stopped on my way to work for a moment to photograph the reflections in the river, but I noticed the apples between the felled trees on the riverbank. I'm not sure where they come from, I didn'tt notice any apple trees near the river. It's a mystery.

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