Early morning cuddles ....
..... for Daisy and a mid morning walk!
Up at 6.45am let Daisy out put a little food down for her ( which she ate in seconds! Emm !) then did my ironing that had been waiting for a week. Text message from Julie , she's poorly , so, no massage today.
Took Daisy out for a walk now home having a cuppa.
My friend's sister had just rung me to say " E " is now in a residential home, she feels that it is a mental problem rather than physical . So sad but I think she has been lonely for such a long time , she's had dogs all her life and very active re classes etc . All this now missing for a couple of years or so and the decline had been rapid.
Weather dull/ damp and chilly today , think it will rain soon.
Thankful ..... to have heard from E's sister , she is 7 years older ie 87yrs , so kind of her to contact me. Just shows that company keeps your mind sharp ( she has a husband living , he's 89yrs and still busing around on his electric scooter! )
So pleased I'm ok mentally even if my body isn't so good.
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