
My names Planko and I'm unashamedly a fanboy!

Guess what I bought today. Several shops round Dundee had them in stock. No point pretending I wouldn't get one. I know android lets you do blah blah blah, and apple are **** **** blah blah blah, but you know what, the iPhones do everything I want them to do and since I use my every day, the bigger screen, lighter phone, unlimited calls and texts will come in handy.

I know i'll need to upgrade in 2 years to get LTE, but lets face it, I live in the country and work in Edinburgh in an area of bad phone reception anyway, so its not like i'm going to get more than 3G speeds at best anyway, so who cares, its a lovely looking phone with a good camera on it for when i need something other than the DSLR.

Shopping for Mrs P and I in Dundee today. I got some tshirts for holiday in a few weeks time but the womens sections in all the shops seem to have turned into winter wear and theres nothing but dull browns & greys and no tshirts. Also visited Aunt in the hospital she's been moved to. She seems fine and improving, which is good.

The sky looked promising tonight for some interesting long exposures, but we had a long day and I fancied getting the phone up and running and having a couple of beers instead :)


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