*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

A Sal Dilemma

Today has been very strange.

I felt really anxious and ill this morning. Anxiety is a weird one and, if you don't suffer from it, it's hard to explain. There was no reason for me to feel anxious - I was in a safe place with people who love me but I still felt truly terrible.

For some reason I sent a message to my friend Laura in Florida and her kind words back to me and her natural positivity seemed to kick the anxiety away. I spent the rest of the day sewing and having a look at a box of stuff in my wardrobe from back when I was at school. I made one of my friends from school cry (in a good way) when I posted some of the pictures she'd done at school, and I'd kept, on Instagram. I also found a book/journal I used to keep back then and couldn't believe how lovely it was. It was like reading something for the first time. It's inspired me to do something like that again. I loved these pressed flowers, even though I know it will have caused a dilemma for me... I don't agree with picking wildflowers. Like I always say, "It's not easy being me sometimes!" :-)

A few minutes ago my cousin phoned my mum. I don't do phone conversations but my mum passed the phone over and we ended up having one anyway (my mum doesn't get my fear of phones hehe). It was actually really nice. He's a good bloke and we're both now obsessed with family photos and our family tree so were both rabbiting away.

So basically, long story short, a crappy day is ending well :) 

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