
By chloepea


Today I caught up with a few friends, one of which I had not seen in a few years, and what better way to do this than with food?
I myself am I firm believer of this. Which is why my day consisted of a late breakfast with some girls from work, a coffee with an old school friend and a dinner with Martin's step sister!
However this does complicate matters when this mornings results on the scale were rather atrocious!
Unfortunately there isn't much to be done about this week as I have already made quite a few plans involving not so healthy food.
But hey, at least I finished week 1 of the couch to 5k and I walked to all my meetings!
The cake pictured was a rhubarb and rye cake from Love Crumbs in the grassmarket. One of the favourite cafes in Edinburgh I have to say as they aren't afraid to experiment with flavours!
Anyway, the result of this story is that I need to find a way to catch up with friends without piling on the pounds.. or I could just do more exercise and cancel the cake out right? Neither option is looking likely.

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