A long day...
...managed this. Worked on on of the canvas board paintings that had not quite dried, and it end up slightly messy patchy.
This is my best try entry for my challenge to myself of a pic every day in 2017.
I will try and do better tomorrow. I will catch up with comments tomorrow as well.
I was having one of those kind of days, which culminated at the end of the day in me coming out of a supermarket and a security guard suddenly came in front of me. He stopped me, and told me I had set the alarms off as I left the store. I didn't hear them. This mapping of the processor doesn't seem to pick that noise up.
I was too tired to explain I was deaf and had a cochlear implant (I had already attended a meeting after a long drive and was on my way home).
He was pleasant enough but told me I would have to leave my shopping with him in the store and call back for it later. I showed him my receipt, and then I opened the plastic carrier bag which just had some food from the chiller cabinet, and told him to look at that. There was nothing that could set off an alarm on exit from the shop. He shook his head and said he would have to take it back in the shop, and I would have to return later for it.
I stood my ground, and said "NO".
So he smiled and laughed and said off you go then...
So I went back to the car feeling like a marked woman. I hadn't done anything wrong, and all I wanted to do was get home and go to bed. I had been following conversations at the meeting, and everything had seemed tinny and sharp. It had been a hard day.
Then, driving home I remembered ...
No, I hadn't accidentally taken anything!
The magnet in my head sometimes sets off the security alarms when I enter and leave shops through their security wotsits. When I first got the implant it was setting off shop security alarms left right and centre, and when I left the library too. In fact I got scared to go through those security barriers. I got too scared to shopping at one point.
The hospital gave me a card which explained it was my magnet in my head setting off security. But even that was a hassle trying to explain and trying to get them to read the card.
One day it just stopped doing it any more The magnet in my head stopped setting off security barriers. It has been quite a few years since it last happened, and I don't know where the card is...
It was a Wild Wednesday for me, so I will enter this for Cailleach's Wild Wednesday!!!
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