Here's the big scary saw from yesterday's blip. (And no, I didn't bend the blade.) I hope this was the saw Mr B meant... since his tools never have written on them the name he uses for them I just end up guessing.
Today's garden building activities were a little limited, since it turned out yesterday's ability to use my right hand was entirely because it was frozen into submission. Today, after an ice-less night, it was rather sore. (But still not broken.)
With excellent timing, Mr B needed help on a contract today, so that filled up my injured day. I managed some hammering in of stakes tonight, though that left me so exhausted that we had to go out for pizza. Then some telly. I have promised the kids that we will have things other than Brooklyn 99 and Will and Grace to watch tomorrow...
With the benefit of backblipping, I can confirm that the day went downhill from Will and Grace onwards.
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