Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


The North East Branch of the Bentley Drivers Club are in the area this weekend & staying at one of the Hotels in town, each day there seems to be something on, this morning they toured in convoy over to Masham for lunch in the town hall followed by
a visit to the Black Sheep Brewery, tomorrow their off to Keithly to ride on the Steam Train. I took a quick detour on the way back home to see what was parked on The Craigland's Car Park, they have a security guard making sure nothing goes missing overnight & he said I was ok to walk around, about 50 Bentleys the earliest of which you can see on the right of my blip (1923, unrestored) up to the present day coupe beloved by our underpaid football professionals. I had a chat with one of the chaps (always 'chaps' these fellows, usually called Pongo, Biffo or some such public school nickname) very interesting, he certainly knew his stuff, after a brief history of some of the metal on display and a quick calculation in my head I guess I was gazing upon about nine million pounds wort of motors, quite a responsibility for the poor bloke from securicor.

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