South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

The tale of two kettles

I bought the white kettle some weeks ago to replace the same model that had lasted us for years. There has been a lingering problem with a funny taste in the water if you don't pour the water instantly into the teapot! By instantly, I mean not even with a delay of a minute or two, and definitely no re-boil of the water even at that early stage! We assumed it would eventually sort itself out - but it didn't.

As I'd left it too long to return it, I wrote an email to the company concerned, but have yet to get a proper reply. I was so fed up I went and bought a metal kettle from the supermarket today. We have boiled it four times and it has exactly the same problem! The tea was undrinkable with a strange chemical taste. Has anyone else been getting this problem, or is it just us?! It can't be the tap water as our original white kettle produced perfectly drinkable boiling water....

P.S. (Next day). Having boiled the new kettle a few more times yesterday evening it's fine today. Phew! Other kettle will be recycled....

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