There he goes...... grubbing about again...
Mr W on another wolf run... you just need to take my word for it,he is that big splash.
Had a lovely day,Sadie went to T.C's house as she is too tiny to leave locked up for 5 hours if you ask me,which you didn't but I am telling you anyway.
Jayney and Nigella and the boys arrived,then Tit's McGee and Flora and Joss also we managed to gather Mia during the morning,so anyway we kindly let Tit's take four children with her,because we are good like that and the rest of us went in my car (fear not I have a seven seater,no one sat on anyones lap...) it was lovely and warm today and apart from the pit's that were filled with water it was lovely and dry.... got some fab photo's of people landing in the mud....
We went to collect Sadie on the way home and managed to bring Jessica back with us,and Tit's McGee went to buy pancakes and ice cream for all the children...... and maybe me.
Pizza for the kids...... Spag bol for us adults later .. I made it at 6am this morning whilst Sadie had the worlds biggest poo for a dog her size....fear not the poo was in the garden,I was in the kitchen.So it has been a busy old day at the Withers... I have had a bloody ball x
p.s no poop in T.C's house and a weeny weeny wee.. and no poop or wee here... she is doing well.I am talking about Sadie and not me by the way.
p.p.s 94 sleeps till Christmas ... and no I DON'T care if you hate that time of year,I do ;)
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