just a Moment in the wood

By wavingarms

Nostalgic Teddy

Teddy has been on a journey. To his past.

He remembered sitting on these rocks for many hours. He remembered running across them, and fishing for cod, just off them. He remembered the sunny days when he though Vaseline would be as effective as sun cream. It wasn't. Oh, how it wasn't. He remembered the cold, frosty New Year's Eve and an illicit, but oh so wonderful, cigar smoked on the rocks, under the stars, beside the gentle lapping of the loch.

Teddy doesn't know why you end up back at these places; the physical and the emotional places. It was such a nice day. He could think no big thoughts, see no great lessons in it all.
Teddy doesn't need to search for meaning.

Today, Teddy just enjoyed it.
Very contented Teddy. In fact, he realises, very peaceful Teddy.

He's grinning again.

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