Today is a new day...

By Quaver

Rescue at Sea

Today has been an interesting day. We had breakfast at the Botanic Gardens in Inverness and a wee look around the lovely gardens (in the sunshine). Next stop was Dunrobin Castle which was well worth a visit, the gardens absolutely beautiful. We had lunch there and a wander in the gardens (in the sunshine). Onwards then towards Scrabster to catch the ferry to Orkney. We came through the most awful torrential rain which threatened to completely flood the roads. However, we persevered and arrived in plenty time for the ferry. The mist had come in and there was absolutely no view whatsoever.

After about half an hour into our journey (foghorn sounding frequently and quite tunefully), the captain announced that there was a yacht in difficulty 15 miles away and that we had to change course to go to help, but that probably the lifeboat would get there before us. As it turned out, the fishing boat, lifeboat and our ferry all arrived at the same time. We waited while the lifeboat did its heroic stuff and then headed for Orkney. It was quite exciting - obviously not for the people in the sinking yacht and reassuring to know that the nearby boats have a duty to help when others are in distress.

Arrived in Orkney a bit later than planned ( pouring rain).

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