Mud Pie

We've had a busy day; we've been to visit Amanda and Michael and went for a walk in the park where a man gave Alexander a pound to buy me sweets (I think that's what he said).

Then we met back with Daddy and had hotdogs for lunch on Govan market.... then we rushed back to meet GrandWill and started turfing the garden. I also fixed our new neighbours' heating for them. There are two boys about 8 and 10 and they seemed to find Alexander very entertaining.

It's Mr HPW's birthday today so I let him off turfing early so he could make his own birthday curry; very delicious it was too. We've all worked very hard and now we're drinking wine and waiting for The Thick Of It to start.

I've just backblipped nearly a week from Saturday. I'm suffering from underinspiration at the moment, but I should post every day because I've discovered if you backblip nobody much looks at them! ;-)

Hope you're all well....

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